Sunday, July 1, 2018

The truth

As much fun as it is and as much transitory satisfaction as it brings, making fun of Trump, in the long run, won’t get us anywhere. The only strategy we have is to keep the truth front and center relentlessly.

In reality, if we only pay attention, Trump helps us with that. On an almost daily basis, he demonstrates his incompetence, his narcissism, his lack of consistent policy, his willingness to trust important government positions to corrupt, unqualified and unethical individuals and his lack of understanding of global dynamics.

The strong economy is largely a result of Obama era policies, while Republican policies increase the unequal distribution of wealth. If we seem to be a wealthier country, that’s only when we disregard the national debt and the looming crisis in Medicare and Social Security. Obama era compassion has all but disappeared.

Those who continue to be avid supporters of Trump fail to recognize these truths about him as they fail to recognize the flaws in their own thinking. The truth will always assert itself, but listening isn’t always easy.

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