Sunday, May 31, 2020


My minister’s certificate should arrive in the mail any day now from the Holy church of Get Off Your Ass and Do Something (HCGOYADS). So I think I’ll go ahead and give my first Sunday sermon.

Brothers and sisters, if God rains down love on us, does it just run off down the drain? If God is our friend, can we borrow a few dollars from him? If God is our father, can he make sure we get a education?

Of course, these ridiculous statements take notions of God literally, not metaphorically. Then how do we think about God? We must become agents of loving action. Our task is demonstrating what it means to be actively human.

Outrage while sitting on our asses. No. Just showing up. No. If we do what we must, we will make love a flood. We will offer friendship freely. We will father those who need our nurturing.

Protesters must not go home, but must go quietly but energetically into the places that need them.


Saturday, May 30, 2020


Revolution is a shift in the distribution of power. It winds up being about ideology and control. It is rarely about changing the human heart. But that is the only place where we can make the changes that are essential, the changes that make us into loving human beings willing to risk what love requires.

Where do we learn to love? Who teaches us how to love? What gives us the strength and motivation to practice love as relentlessly as we must?

Going to a protest march or donating to an organization or speaking out are important, but we have to be willing to take on the daily tasks of love: suffering with others, compassionate action, generosity, the sacrifice of personal privilege, shedding ignorance.

As simplistic as it may seem, love is the answer. Not easy love. Not greeting card love. But love that comes deep from within ourselves.

Some look for God

Some look for God in heaven.
Some look for God beyond life and beyond the universe.
Some look for God in houses of worship.
Some look for God among the poor.
Some look God beside themselves as friend and father.
Some look for God in themselves.
Some look for God in the actions of others.
Some look for God in the silences.
So where is God?
We only have to open our eyes and pay attention.

Friday, May 29, 2020

COVID list

COVID lockdown has gone on longer than I expected. But I’m still cautious about going out, even with the lifted restrictions. So I’ve given myself a new set of goals.

Sculpt a miniature Michaelangelo Pieta out of my earwax.

Organize my sock drawer, creating fun mismatched pairs.

Give all of my garden tools nicknames.

Bake cookies in the shape of all my favorite Hollywood stars.

Rename all the dogs and cats that appear on my facebook page.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Big racism

Big racism is deeply rooted in war, conquest, slavery, economic injustice and social policy. Small racism takes root in the hearts of individuals as a consequence of fear and ignorance.

Growing up in the South in the 50’s, I understand racism and how much things have changed and stayed the same. We are at point where white outrage is not enough, not enough to make a difference and not enough ease consciences.

To make real change happen white people of privilege have to reassess that privilege. “My property values might go down.” “Taxes are already too high.” “That money is just wasted.” “The schools are better in the white suburbs.” These just can’t be acceptable responses anymore.

We must realize that the crimes at the root of racism are poverty and inequality in justice and education—for any race or ethnicity. The deep roots of these cancers demand large scale and persistent commitments by individuals and government if they are to be eradicated.

It’s not unfair to say that excessive white privilege sucks the momentum out of efforts to create a more just community. In the same way that the hearts of the racist must open, so must the hearts of the privileged.

Rage is not a solution. Empathy that propels action is.

Give me

Give me
Ilumia Zyprexa
Humira or Flonase
Dupixent Prelia
Rinvoq or Xeljan

I’ll ask doctor about
Abilify Apoquel
Miralax or Abeva
Celebrex Valium
Linzess or Fludara

TV tells me the answer is
Vraylar Zantac
Allegra or Vicodin
Afectiva Abacivir
Previgen or Lucerna

I’m sure the cure is
Claratin Zyban
Adderal or  B12
Lexapro Accutane
Skyrizi or Lorazepam

Side effects scare me
But still I’m assured
They may cause my death
But at least I’ll be cured

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


People think that revolutions begin in the streets. That’s wrong. They begin in the conscience.  Not the ordinary consciences of most of us, trying to determine right from wrong. They begin in the courageous, restless and focused consciences of those who know what’s right and are committed to make right happen in the world.

Revolutions bang  against the walls of blind power. A crack happens and is patched. Another crack happens and is patched. Finally the wall is breached, progress is made. Right seems real.

Until the next wall appears.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Fertile ground

Hate is the fertile ground for hate.
Suffering is the fertile ground for love.
Sloth is the fertile ground for mediocrity.
Curiosity is the fertile ground for creativity.
Envy is the fertile ground for the loss of self.
Honesty is the fertile ground for trust.
Empathy is the fertile ground for understanding.
Greed is the fertile ground for hardening the heart.
Humility is the fertile ground for the spiritual.
Passion is the fertile ground for art.
Love is the fertile ground for love.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Match

“The Match” of two golf greats and two NFL quarterbacks will generate $10 million in grants for COVID charities. It comes with great PR, player interviews and trash talking. These men will donate their time to play on a great course, get lots of coverage and have fun doing what they like to do.

Warner Media will get lots of good press—probably worth more than what they are donating. This is how it’s done. Certainly much more spectacular than simply saying here’s $10 million on us it to help in the COVID fight. Please keep it quiet.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The world

The world is surely a random and haphazard place. But it emerges out of beautiful geometry. Billions of years of experiment have produced clever solutions to problems of growth and replication, and these are never without order and elegance.

Since these living solutions, one-by-one, are never perfect, small imperfections abound, leading to the variety and complexity that amazes us every day. Look carefully at the puff of a dandelion just before its seeds begin to disperse. Then tell me what you think.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Good and Evil

The world is not a battle between good and evil. It’s the world. Western philosophy likes to break the world into dualities, oppositional forces. But it’s the world. Good and evil are concepts in flux in mankind as well as in each man or woman. Good and evil are in a dynamic dance aiming for an always transitional living balance. It’s the world.

It’s a frustrating affair to expect a resolution. The real satisfaction is in meeting the challenge, dancing the dance, being comfortable with the reality of no finality, yet still aiming to live a good life.

In the end, I think the Church got it wrong. We aren’t born tainted evil, which must be washed away with baptism. We are born carrying the Garden of Eden in us. And since we will never reach perfection in the world, we can count on redemption to bring us back to the Garden.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Science and religion

Don’t make science and religion into enemies. They’re not fighting for the same territory. Science is necessary to remind religion of the truth and complexity in the physical universe and what this world has to offer us as beings in it.
Religion is necessary to remind science that humanity has always sought a world beyond the physical world.

Science is bound to discovering truth in nature and has shown noteworthy success in doing that. Religion is bound to the truth in human spiritual yearning. Both science and religion have been destructive forces at times, but both have proven their necessity to humanity.

When science and religion are allowed their appropriate domains of influence, they are meaningful partners in giving us insight into and understanding of our fullest humanity.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


How can marketing convince us to like Justin Bieber?
How can marketing convince us that we need perfect green lawns?
How can marketing convince us that we need $1000 shoes?
How can marketing convince us we need apple cider gummies?
How can marketing convince us that we need new clothes each season?
How can marketing convince us that debt is good?
How can marketing convince us that influencers can convince us?
How can marketing convince us that celebrities are honest?
How can marketing convince us we are better people if we get calf implants?
How can marketing convince us it’s time for eyelid rejuvenation?
But why can’t marketing convince us to love one another?

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Have given us notice
That hydroxychloroquine works
It’s safe and it’s sure
A predictable cure
Working particularly well on jerks

Have given us notice
That masks are for ordinary folks
They ruin your fashion
And thwart ego’s passion
Despite the media’s jokes

Damn it, artists

Damn it, artists. Decide what you really believe in and believe in it.
Believe in it in your craft. 
Believe in it in your passion. 
Believe in it in your persistence. 
Believe in it in the generosity with which you educate your audience.
Believe in it in the honesty and integrity you bring to your work. 
Believe in it in how your struggles bring you empathy for others. 
Believe in it in the way it makes you more human. 
Believe in it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What is art?

What is art? At root, it’s a language that searches for beauty, meaning and understanding in the world. The artist says:
“This is the work I have done.”
“These are the discoveries I’ve made.”
“Look, here is the beauty the world gives up.”
“This is how to be human.”

The forms these artistic responses take come from the forms of expression at work in the culture. When new media arrive, they don’t push older media aside. All adapt, evolve, engage, giving artists all the more means of expression.

The artist’s passion takes form in making, telling, organizing, facilitating, speaking out, performing, community building and more. Artists push what it means to make art and what form art can take.

This often means that the larger society doesn’t keep up with the artist. Art is confusing to many. The artist is socially and financially marginalized. But the committed artist always speaks up through the means he or she must.


We like to imagine the perfect male and the perfect female. Perfect for what? Athletics, longevity, beauty, reproduction?

In fact, in the human species, we see many qualities, in face and body, that we typically distinguish as “male” or “female.” And they can be all mixed up in a myriad of ways in a myriad of individuals.

In the same way, there is a range of behaviors we typically distinguish as “male” or “female” mixed up in a myriad of ways in a myriad of individuals. And that’s just what we must acknowledge as natural in our contemporary understanding of gender.

Who can deny evolution, biological or cultural? Who can deny the beauty in variety? Who with any humanity can deny people the right to their own gender identity?

Monday, May 18, 2020


I’m not very good with economics, so maybe you can help me understand this circumstance.

Billionaires and multi-millionaires have money beyond any reasonable needs they have. There are many artists, writers, scientists, government officials and others who are just as intelligent and creative as these wealthy individuals, but will never be as rich as them. These wealthy individuals could not be as wealthy as they are without customers, workers, public infrastructure, tax laws and dodges and advantageous legislation.

Many use their wealth to support politicians, the arts and other worthy causes, moving society and culture in ways they think important--and often for the general good. But this philanthropy still leaves them with considerable wealth.

Would society be better off if a reasonable chunk of the wealth of the rich were taken by the government and/or be shared by workers in a fairer way?  What would be that fairer way? Could this shift in wealth happen without higher prices on goods and services? Would lower profits still encourage the wealthy to invest and to continue their philanthropy? Is it better for society for the wealthy to redistribute their wealth by philanthropic giving?

Am I economically naïve?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

COVID times

From a big picture perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic is just another tragic human drama. The stage is filled with the saints and the asses and all the players in between.
Some dutifully struggle with life and death every day, holding on or providing care.
Some get out their AK-47’s, believing this is their long-awaited chance to thwart a government take over.
Some risk their own lives and the lives of their families.
Some express irresponsible freedom by going in crowds to bars.
Some have been waiting for this scam-rich opportunity.
Some corporations with access to financial resources have pushed aside small businesses to grab money from the government pot.
Some listen and act on best practices.
Some have their brains in lockdown.
For some it’s all about us. For others it’s all about me.
Some are driven by compassion.
Some are driven by greed.
Some understand patience.
Some are industrious and humane problem solvers.

Greed, power, compassion, distrust, personal sacrifice, fear, love, arrogance, humility... All the things that make us incurably human are at work in these COVID times. We each have to decide where we stand and act on that.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Art students

One of the most satisfying experiences of my career was teaching art students. When you teach an art student, you teach as much of the human being as they offer you. Art comes from the humanity of the student.

This kind of engagement is not psychology. It is connection, mentoring, teaching. Engagement with students’ humanity made me look at my own humanity. For me, this was a direct consequence of the students, faculty, staff and mission of the Art Academy of Cincinnati.

COVID-19 has brought higher education into a fully digital state. This is a necessity, but a terrible loss of core experiences of the education of young artists. The task for the future of educating artists is how to maintain this humanity.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Under what life circumstances do you see reality most clearly?

Under what life circumstances do you penetrate reality to find a deeper one?

Under what life circumstances do you see sacredness in the world?

Under what life circumstances do you see yourself as sacred?

Thursday, May 14, 2020


In America, freedom means freedom with responsibility not freedom with stupidity.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


The evolution of the universe doesn’t care one bit about equality. If there were as many positive bits of matter as negative bits, all would cancel out to nothing. Biological evolution doesn’t care about equality either. It cares about maintaining the vast and complex web of life.

Gender, sex and child rearing come in different forms in different species as a consequence of different ways of solving the problem of mate selection and reproduction. Human reproduction was early on like agriculture. The male plants the seed, and the female nurtures it to harvesting then turns it into something useful.

Humans have the capacity to take reproduction out of that equation, as we often choose to do. How we listen to our hormones and how we listen to our drive to reproduce or how we listen to our culture or how we listen to our morality is really up to us.

Here is where cultural evolution enters the picture. The long and troubled story of sexual equality has brought us to where we are today. In the various societies of the contemporary world, this new sexual awareness has brought hope, fear, liberation, repression, confusion and more. Equality is not in the nature of  evolution. It’s our job. And we’ve still got a lot of work to do in bringing equality to sex.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


The COVID pandemic has shown us how important it is to have a bank account full of dollars. But more important how important it is to have a bank account full of character.

Monday, May 11, 2020


Have given us notice
Of priorities for COVID now
For FLOTUS it’s fashion
The closet she’ll dash in
For an outfit that elicits a “WOW”

Have given us notice
Of what’s important to know
For POTUS the thing
Is that he is the king
Who keeps Chuck and Nancy in tow

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Me interviewing myself

Me interviewing myself

ME: Why do you make art?
ME: Because I have to.

ME: Why do you make the kind of work you do?
ME: Because I have to.

ME: Why is your art valid?
ME: I’m skilled. I work hard and think hard. I’m true to myself.

ME: Why should people care about your work?
ME: They don’t have to. My job is to make challenging work that puts forward what I have discovered. To offer people something beautiful and thought provoking.

ME: Thank you.
ME: Good to talk to you.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


Have given us notice
Safe practice for COVID’s passé
Maskless and clueless
They demonstrate BE BEST
In chasing the virus away

Have given us notice
That science is something to dump
For Fauchi and Bright
They turned out the light
‘Cause no one upstages the Trump

Have given us notice
That lockdown’s not going their way
Air Force One in the air
For a trip here and there
While taxpayers struggle each day

Friday, May 8, 2020

Corona to do list

Well, I successfully completed my first round of tasks during the corona lockdown. So I decided to make another list.

1. Learn everything I can about North Dakota.
2. Order my free book on Mesothelioma.
3. Take care of that sagging area under my chin.
4. Count the number of hairs on one leg—haven’t decided which leg yet.
5. Write down all the regrets I have.
6. Make some suggestions for a corona vaccine and send them to the NIH.
7. Start a Joe Burrow memory book.
8. Draw some pictures of puppies.
9. Binge watch all the episodes of Twilight Zone.
10. Memorize the sequence of nucleotides in my own DNA.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Mental illness

The media has covered illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease to the extent that we have understanding and empathy for those who suffer from them. These illnesses often bring the sufferers face-to-face with death.

This is not the case with serious mental illnesses—schizophrenia, chronic depression, bipolar disease and PTSD—which are not so well understood by the public or covered by the press. When individuals with these illnesses are homeless, commit crimes or threaten others, the response is more fear than empathy.

The reality of these mental illnesses is that the sufferers are dead to the healthy persons they once might have been—or maybe never were. Death can be a constant companion in suicidal thoughts. The sufferer never knows when the voices or episodes will come. Sufferers never know when an all-encompassing darkness will steal their lives away.

The specter of mental illness has increased and touches more people during these COVID times. Be alert to symptoms in yourself or others. Be sensitive. Seek help. Dismiss any social stigma. Believe in your good self.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Questions from the Washington press
Caused POTUS incredible stress
So while we stayed at home
He decided to roam
His corona plan under duress
Air Force One got fueled up to go
At a million of taxpayer dough
He would tour a plant
Save time for a rant
And brag that he’s in the know
FLOTUS went along for the ride
Walking with fashionable pride
Maskless and close
We all got a dose
Of a double standard applied

Monday, May 4, 2020

Citizens suffering

Citizens suffering under the corona pandemic want the government to take action to help them out financially. But we the citizens are the government. It’s just our money helping one another.

We are borrowing money—going into further debt as a country—to deal with the financial consequences of the pandemic. Who has all this money to loan to us? How did they get all this money?

The government has legislated 3 trillion dollars to help those in need. My guess is that there are tens and twentys of billions of dollars in the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts that are doing nothing but making more money.

It’s the government, not of us, but of the bought legislators that has supported this inequality of wealth and its selfish distribution. The many are desperate while the few live in excess.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Little pictures

We look for the big picture, but we are always sabotaged by the billions of little pictures. It’s chaotic. Then the little pictures realize they need a big picture.  Since there isn’t just one big picture, the little pictures struggle to find one that provides a canopy to give them shade and respite.

There’s always a genius trying to find the big big picture, like cosmologists trying to find the theory of everything. All us little pictures can do is keep our minds open, do our parts to make tings better and look for that right shady spot.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


While we are in lockdown, waiting in lines for corona tests and food aid,
POTUS and FLOTUS are off on a multi-million dollar jaunt on Air Force One and Javanka hop in the car for a little holiday.

While we are dutifully wearing our masks when we go out, VP Pence—in charge of pandemic operations—is clueless about wearing a mask in a hospital setting.

Would someone please inject all of them with Lysol?

Friday, May 1, 2020

White House news

White House news:

Melania announced that she will not be seen in public because she does not look fashionable in a mask.

Mike Pence revealed that it was God who told him that he did not need to wear a mask in public.

POTUS argued that since he doesn’t have the coronavirus, it must be all the tacos he eats that are a preventative.