Thursday, May 28, 2020

Big racism

Big racism is deeply rooted in war, conquest, slavery, economic injustice and social policy. Small racism takes root in the hearts of individuals as a consequence of fear and ignorance.

Growing up in the South in the 50’s, I understand racism and how much things have changed and stayed the same. We are at point where white outrage is not enough, not enough to make a difference and not enough ease consciences.

To make real change happen white people of privilege have to reassess that privilege. “My property values might go down.” “Taxes are already too high.” “That money is just wasted.” “The schools are better in the white suburbs.” These just can’t be acceptable responses anymore.

We must realize that the crimes at the root of racism are poverty and inequality in justice and education—for any race or ethnicity. The deep roots of these cancers demand large scale and persistent commitments by individuals and government if they are to be eradicated.

It’s not unfair to say that excessive white privilege sucks the momentum out of efforts to create a more just community. In the same way that the hearts of the racist must open, so must the hearts of the privileged.

Rage is not a solution. Empathy that propels action is.

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