Thursday, December 31, 2020


 The transition from conception to birth is amazingly complex and mysterious. 

The transition from birth to human adulthood is just as complex and mysterious. 

Yet the most mysterious transition of all is the transition from human being to spiritual being consumed by love.

Few make this last transition, a transition that should be the goal of all life learning.   

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Our eyes

Our eyes have eyes.

Our hearts have hearts.

Our minds have minds.

Our spirits have spirits.

How else could we unravel the world and discover what makes us human in it?


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Great artists

 Great artists unleash everything they know in their work, Michaelangelo did that on the Sistine ceiling. The Van Eycks did that on the Ghent Altarpiece. Diego Rivera did that on his great Detroit murals. Picasso did that on Guernica. William Kentridge did that on his animated drawings.

Art is the measure of the artist. Art is the measure of what the artist has the courage and endurance to give.

Monday, December 28, 2020

New autobiographies

 New autobiographies

Donald Trump: Look at me. No, look at me.

Melania Trump: Life is a Runway: No Clothes to the Very Best Clothes

The Kushners: Look Good, Accomplish Nothing

Rudy Guiliani: Law and Buffoonery

Mike Pence: My Life with Donny and Mommy

Lindsay Graham: Senate Slap Happy Lap Dog

Sunday, December 27, 2020

In love

 Falling in love is just what the movies tell you it is. The first kiss, the first sexual encounter, the proposal and the wedding. That’s where the movie usually ends, but falling in love doesn’t stop there. It continues through the bumps, the day-to-day tussles and the little discoveries till at some point falling in love becomes being in love. 

Being in love hints at the enduring nature of love. Being in love is wonderful but is no guarantee of staying in love. Staying in love is really honoring the solemn commitment made at the wedding. Staying in love is loyalty, duty, true intimacy, endurance through hardship, full acceptance of the lover—all of it.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Friday, December 25, 2020


 No matter how many carols. No matter how many trees with colored lights. No matter how many cards. No matter how many presents. No matter how many Santas. If you don’t spend a least a little time thinking about the true meaning of Christmas, then it’s just another Xmas.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

New Trump vocab

 Donald Trump requires some new words be invented just to describe him and his antics. Feel free to use them in you day-to-day speech.












Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 This is what I’d like to see. A regiment of artists each carrying a bullhorn walking the city, pointing and saying: Look! Beauty! Look! Beauty! Look! Beauty!

After all, what are artists for?

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 From an artist’s perspective, there is nothing in the world that can’t be mined for its beauty.

Every ugly, brutal and evil act will eventually be called out for what it is. But beauty is honest from start to finish.

Don’t settle for pretty when you can have beauty.

Recognizing beauty in the world awakens something deep inside.

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but true beauty is in the soul of the beholder.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Goodbye Trump

 Thump Mister Trump

On his quite ample rump

Kick out, Mister Lout

We’re tired of his pout

And his family gang

We’ll eject with a bang

And Melania too

Every dress, every shoe

Grabbed by the hair

Unglued from his chair

Oval Office then yearns

That integrity returns

Clean the whole place with care

Disinfect everywhere

Taco shells, fast food wrappers

In the bedrooms and crappers

DeVos and her schools

All the cabinet fools

Goodbye and farewell

To the President from hell

Saturday, December 19, 2020


 D oing the checkbook is no longer possible.

E asy tasks are difficult.

M emory is shot and repetition becomes the norm.

E ach day brings little signs of slipping away.

N oise and disruption cause confusion and distress.

T ime and place get muddled.

I ntelligence is eroded.

A nxiety is a constant companion.

If dementia was a longer word, there would still be much more to say. 

Friday, December 18, 2020


Call me a grouch, but I’ll say it again. I’m not overwhelmed by all these celebrities who give their time and money to support good causes. Why? Because they get more press, more notoriety, their names on all kinds of things, bunches of accolades for doing something which ought to be automatic and expected and does not affect their comfort in the least.

But one of the consequences of covid is that the news media has begun to pay a lot more attention to ordinary folks whose contributions to their communities is extraordinary. Nurses, doctors, first responders, social workers, pastors, community organizers, artists, school children.

The ordinary citizen gives time and money not necessarily out of their excess. The ordinary citizen doesn’t expect attention for what they do. It’s just what’s expected of a decent person.

I hope that after this pandemic subsides, the news media will continue to give due attention to these ordinary extraordinaries.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Know yourself

 Know yourself is a simple but powerful Socratic adage. It’s impossible to achieve fullness as a human being without accomplishing this task. But it isn’t an easy task. It requires reflection, failure, forgiveness, attentiveness and courage. And it only happens over time.

Knowing yourself means recognizing that you as a human being are inhabited, in some degree, by every bit of the spectrum of being human. You contain good. You contain evil. You contain pain. You contain anger and greed. You contain compassion. You know what I mean. You experience these. You live these. You are human.

In turn, knowing yourself in this way allows you to see and accept the full humanity of others. You meet them on their journey because you have made the journey.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 This time of year children will be showered with gifts, part of the joy of the holidays.


Children need time and attentive listening.

They need help turning their concrete picture of the world into a rich and pliable one.

They need help building self-confidence--not trophies and empty praise.

They need role models to follow--and rebel against.

They need to discover that play is their job.

They need to experience the value of hard, honest work.

They need to learn how to fail gracefully.

They need to experience that giving is getting.

They need love delivered in words, touch and action.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 Be nice.

Be kind.

Be fun.

Be true.

If you subtract all the life experiences that came from people who were nice, kind, fun and true, what would be left?

Monday, December 14, 2020

Santa nonsense

 Last bit of nonsense. I promise.

Santa brings presents 

And lots of good cheer

He loves all the cookies

And bottles of beer

But he does so much more 

When he comes for a visit

You’re probably thinking

So tell me what is it

Well, down through the chimney

And up in a flash

He cleans out the chimney 

Of soot, cinder and trash

While the reindeer are waiting

In the garden they poop

To fertilize the veggies

That will go in our soup

If a shingle is loose

He’ll tap it down too

And cleared snow from the driveway

As away that he flew

When he stops for a gas up

He’ll buy some beef jerky

And some snacks for the reindeer

Cause their diet is quirky

He supports local business

With his time and his money

And that’s why dear Santa 

Is a helpful old honey

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas silliness

 Ding dong ding dong

Someone at the door

The man was dressed in red and white

His beard hung to the floor

His sleigh and dozen reindeer

Were parked upon my grass

His load of wrapped up presents

Left me quite aghast

Hello, he said, champagne for me

The reindeer need snack

We’re hardly half way through the trip

And I’ve trouble with my back

Your chimney’s filled with soot and muck

I couldn’t wiggle down

Loose shingles made the reindeer slip

And the sleigh slid all around

He laughed and said, but that’s okay

It’s Christmas time, you know

Even dummies make me smile

When there’s colored lights and snow

So where’s the champagne that I need

Fa la, I’ll take the bottle

That will send me on my way

With joy and at full throttle

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Silly poem

 Dad was in the bedroom

Jumping on the bed

His feet were wiggling in the air

And the ceiling hit his head

Mom was making pancakes

Flipping big and small

Some flew out the window

Some stuck to the wall

Sis was in the backyard

Making mud pies with the dog

The postman brought a box

Of kitty cats and frogs

The frogs were hopping on the bed 

And having fun with Dad

The kitty cats were chasing down

The kitchen mice we had

Grandma knocked and walked right in

To find the house a mess 

“Oh, my!” she said, I have a frog

In the pocket of my dress

She screamed and screamed

And whacked it on the bean

And ran to do a back flip

On the backyard trampoline

Friday, December 11, 2020


Melania is offering a one million dollar prize to anyone who can build a protective shield that will keep all of Donald’s character away from Barron.

The Country Music Association has issued an urgent call for clichés. They are currently quickly running out of them for song themes.

Rudy Guiliani is seeking two million dollars for his role in the Borat sequel where he actually does pull his pants down.

Mike Pompeo reports that once he is no longer Secretary of State he will have the time to devote to his Noom regimen.

The Proud Boys announced that they have organized the Proud Girls, a cheerleader group that will perform at all rallies. Their costumes are now being designed by Melania’s hairdresser.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

 Many have experienced frustration and utter confusion in the study of mathematics.  “I don’t understand it, and I don’t see why I need to know this stuff.” Well, here’s a true short, short story demonstrating…

The Power of Mathematics

In high school I was nominated to attend Pelican Boys State. We went to the State Capitol in Baton Rouge, LA to learn about government through mock elections and law making.

One day, when I entered one of the rooms in the government building, there were four boys, kneeling, pants down, their penises erect. They invited me to join their competition for who could ejaculate the farthest.

Being a good, repressed Catholic boy, I declined—a decision I regret to this day.

Why? Because I knew that at a 45 degree angle, the parabolic arc of the ejaculate would span the greatest linear distance. My love cannon, suitably angled, would have won the contest.

And that, my friends, is the power of mathematics.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Mental illness

 If you experience a mental illness and come out healthy, you realize that that your brain concocts the reality that you experience as your own. Reality that seems so solid is very fragile. Reality that seems so clear can turn into a muddle. reality that seems fixed can evaporate in an instant.

Reality is a delusion, but it’s a delusion you need for your sanity. The brain runs the show, and we have to live with its contradictions and whims.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Boys will be boys. That’s a given.

Men will be boys. And that can be the end of it.

Men will be men. This is where the work happens.

Monday, December 7, 2020


 Men will finally achieve equality when:

There is a “Masculine Protection Products” aisle at Kroger’s


Male pole dancers make as much as female pole dancers


Men can go to the office in a nice sleeveless summer shirt


Men can show affection in public as they want without shame


Did I forget anything?


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Naked time

 We can’t dismiss the value of naked time. Gone with the clothing that protects us from outside forces. Gone with the uniforms that define us. Gone with the fashion that we use to depict ourselves. Forget concerns for hair or for the creams and oils for anti-this and anti-that.

Let go of vanity. Return to your day-1 outfit. Spend time with yourself, free in your own body. Nakedness for its own self.

So sleep naked. Lay around naked. Swim naked. Watch TV naked. Vacuum the house naked. And no, just wearing underwear doesn’t count.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Friday, December 4, 2020



Glory in your role as pack animal. For you cannot bear the burden of childbirth.


Glory in your role as seed bearer. You cannot carry the child, but you can sow and mow and row and tow.


Glory in your stereotypical role as the bumbling husband. Then your natural responsibility and skills will reap surprising rewards.


Glory in your role as doting father. Doting looks really great on FB and really ups your empathetic abilities.


Glory in your cooking skills beyond the BBQ grill. Chefs are really sexy these days, and it’s the manly thing to do.


Glory in your ancient role as hunter. Go fishing, kill rodents and spiders, trap raccoons and possums.


Glory in your manliness and manhood that are the gift of testosterone. Hormones are not forever. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Big love

 A very few of us have the reach to embrace the whole world, learning to love everything in it. But each of us has the capacity to embrace a piece of it, a piece we choose to love. If we choose do this, this small love gives us to understand the power of big love.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 The behemoths of government, religion and education can be demanding, constricting and rigid as they go about their job of creating structure in societies. The arts are pervasive and eternally present in their task of revealing and explaining what makes us human.

The behemoths and the arts are neither culprits or saviors. The behemoths can be oppressive or can give us the tools to save us from ourselves and the chaos we are capable of. The arts can be complacent or self-centered or give us hope, beauty and appreciation of our humanity.

We need both of these. We need to allow them to do what they are tasked to do, but we need to work vigilantly to make sure they are doing their tasks well. We need to recognize that they work best when together they collaborate in healthy and respectful balance.