Thursday, December 10, 2020

 Many have experienced frustration and utter confusion in the study of mathematics.  “I don’t understand it, and I don’t see why I need to know this stuff.” Well, here’s a true short, short story demonstrating…

The Power of Mathematics

In high school I was nominated to attend Pelican Boys State. We went to the State Capitol in Baton Rouge, LA to learn about government through mock elections and law making.

One day, when I entered one of the rooms in the government building, there were four boys, kneeling, pants down, their penises erect. They invited me to join their competition for who could ejaculate the farthest.

Being a good, repressed Catholic boy, I declined—a decision I regret to this day.

Why? Because I knew that at a 45 degree angle, the parabolic arc of the ejaculate would span the greatest linear distance. My love cannon, suitably angled, would have won the contest.

And that, my friends, is the power of mathematics.

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