Saturday, December 12, 2020

Silly poem

 Dad was in the bedroom

Jumping on the bed

His feet were wiggling in the air

And the ceiling hit his head

Mom was making pancakes

Flipping big and small

Some flew out the window

Some stuck to the wall

Sis was in the backyard

Making mud pies with the dog

The postman brought a box

Of kitty cats and frogs

The frogs were hopping on the bed 

And having fun with Dad

The kitty cats were chasing down

The kitchen mice we had

Grandma knocked and walked right in

To find the house a mess 

“Oh, my!” she said, I have a frog

In the pocket of my dress

She screamed and screamed

And whacked it on the bean

And ran to do a back flip

On the backyard trampoline

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