Monday, December 14, 2020

Santa nonsense

 Last bit of nonsense. I promise.

Santa brings presents 

And lots of good cheer

He loves all the cookies

And bottles of beer

But he does so much more 

When he comes for a visit

You’re probably thinking

So tell me what is it

Well, down through the chimney

And up in a flash

He cleans out the chimney 

Of soot, cinder and trash

While the reindeer are waiting

In the garden they poop

To fertilize the veggies

That will go in our soup

If a shingle is loose

He’ll tap it down too

And cleared snow from the driveway

As away that he flew

When he stops for a gas up

He’ll buy some beef jerky

And some snacks for the reindeer

Cause their diet is quirky

He supports local business

With his time and his money

And that’s why dear Santa 

Is a helpful old honey

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