Sunday, May 17, 2020

COVID times

From a big picture perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic is just another tragic human drama. The stage is filled with the saints and the asses and all the players in between.
Some dutifully struggle with life and death every day, holding on or providing care.
Some get out their AK-47’s, believing this is their long-awaited chance to thwart a government take over.
Some risk their own lives and the lives of their families.
Some express irresponsible freedom by going in crowds to bars.
Some have been waiting for this scam-rich opportunity.
Some corporations with access to financial resources have pushed aside small businesses to grab money from the government pot.
Some listen and act on best practices.
Some have their brains in lockdown.
For some it’s all about us. For others it’s all about me.
Some are driven by compassion.
Some are driven by greed.
Some understand patience.
Some are industrious and humane problem solvers.

Greed, power, compassion, distrust, personal sacrifice, fear, love, arrogance, humility... All the things that make us incurably human are at work in these COVID times. We each have to decide where we stand and act on that.

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