Thursday, July 19, 2018


Sex is everywhere:
Hormones, teenage lust, intimacy, low self-esteem, masturbation, love, infatuation, infidelity, mid-life crises, stress relief, impulse, porn—soft and hardcore, TV and movie sex scenes, erotic books and magazines, Internet, gentlemen’s clubs, at home, in the gym, in the woods, cunnilingus, fellatio, on vacation, in the bathtub, strip clubs, erotica, bestiality, massage parlors, bath houses, gay bars, coitus, abstinence

And what do we do about it:
Marriage, divorce, polygamy, affairs, Tinder, dating sites, harems, hook-up sites, child porn, celibacy, abortion, sexualized marketing, prostitution, surrogacy, in vitro fertilization, fertility drugs, birth control, condoms, sexual enhancement products, sex toys, transgendering, legal battles, sex slavery, sexual taboos, repression of women, Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, Dr.Ruth, Tom of Finland, religious doctrine, social mores and pressures, sex education, castration, clinics and therapy, self help literature, peer socialization, podcasts, the Marquis de Sade, Stormy Daniels, conversion therapy, imprisonment, rape, sexual harassment, castration

And what is the result:
We’re clearly heading somewhere new and uncharted as we have through history. A space we have no adequate sex education program for. We really don’t know how to maneuver through the legal, moral and personal terrain of sex. It’s different and it’s the same, just as it has always been. It’s a minefield we all have to navigate. How do we find the maps to a healthy sexuality amidst all the titillation, subterfuge, marketing, fantasy, machismo, taboos and doogmas? Maybe the bonobos have it figured out. I certainly don’t.

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