Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Trump America

 Even when Donald Trump loses the election, if a large number of citizens vote for him, this signals a frightening failure of the ideals of democracy. Trump is a lying, narcissistic, authoritarian, inarticulate, rigid man, quick with bluster and slow with accomplishments. He has been supported by a Republican Party, which has given its values over to him. Its members have swallowed their personal integrity, choking on it time after time.


The willingness to follow and even admire Trump is a sign of ignorance and fear--fear of change, fear of the loss of privilege and fear of their own inadequacy. The whole of America needs healing—economically, socially and spiritually. But this healing will never follow from the inept leadership of a shallow, divisive and instinctively devious man like Donald Trump.


It still eludes me as to how to convince Trump voters to change their minds. I do believe they have some legitimate concerns that Democrats need to address. But for Trump supporters to put their hopes on him is for them to invest in an America only for some, an America falling apart at the seams.


Let them take a good hard look at America under Trump. Is this really what “Great Again” should mean?

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