Saturday, August 29, 2020


  Well, the Republican National Convention is over. If you watched, you were fed lies and fear mongering by beautiful people in full spectacle mode.


You saw crowds in direct defiance of COVID guidelines, while America continues to lead the world in COVID deaths.


You saw the glorious messiah Donald Trump praised by his crew of sycophants.


You saw the prediction an America of fear and darkness under Biden, with no acknowledgment of the America of fear and darkness created by Trump.


You saw everything-but-the-kitchen-sink desperation wrapped up in the American flag.


You saw the rehash of MAGA without the recognition that Trump’s America is fiercely divided, lacks international respect, is struggling with COVID, is still plagued by racism, has an economy in free fall and a government  rife with incompetence and corruption.


This is what you saw on TV. Then you looked out your window on the real world.

How you react to this tragic dissonance is crucial.




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