Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Corporate marketing

Corporate marketing and advertising are the gold standard for separating you from your money. Money is the single goal. Even corporate charitable giving, propped up by ad campaigns, is a form of corporate image building leading to increased sales.


Corporate marketing is built on extensive research, extensive media reach and the creative design engines of  experienced agencies. But at root, all this boils down to sophisticated manipulation of basic human characteristics: greed, low self esteem, desire, status and envy.


Greed: Make consumers want more. Convince them that their wants are actually their needs. Tie wants to becoming a better human being.


Low self esteem: You deserve to look better, feel better, have more. This will bring notice, friends, romance, all you ever wanted.


Desire: It’s all right to want what you want. After all, it’s you, and you’re the best. Wanting is only human, and you can get what you want delivered to your door the next day. And, of course, “sex sells” is never discounted.


Status: Your next door neighbors have it. Celebrities have it. Professional athlete spokespersons recommend it. Why shouldn’t you have it. It’s what you deserve, and it shows others your importance.


Romance: Oils, Creams, injections, surgeries, hair coloring, eyebrow and eyelid rejuvenation and spa treatments all make you younger looking, more desirable and the beauty of your own dreams.


Envy: Only the best have these things. Why shouldn’t you? You’ll feel better when you show others you possess them.


Corporate marketing is a spectacle of bands, crowds, jingles, slogans, logos, sunshine, celebrities, professional athletes, influencers, obnoxiously cute kids, beautiful suburban couples in mcmansions with expansive kitchens, dance numbers  and funny vignettes all speaking to you as if you are their very best friend.


Pick a commercial, Unwrap it. See what you think?

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