Monday, August 31, 2020

16 year old boy

 Sixteen-year-old boy feels he needs some advice and guidance.


So he goes to his grandma.

She says: Women love men, but they never trust them.


He goes to his grandpa.

He says: Buddy, when you get to my age you realize that everything gets stiff but the most important thing.


He goes to his dad.

His dad says: Your mother’s the smart one, go ask her.


He goes to his mother.

His mother says: Be like your dad at this best, not at his worst.


He goes to his teacher:

She says: Always work hard and never believe everything your teachers tell you.


He goes to his priest.

His priest says: Make you confession first and then we can talk.


He goes to his coach.

His coach says: Do 100 pushups.

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