Friday, January 31, 2020

Impeachment justice

The great movements for justice and equality over the past half-century have demonstrated that a legitimate moral imperative can confront and conquer unjust laws. That law is not the final arbiter of social justice.

Senators have all taken an oath to seek justice, and we will soon see whether is justice under the law or justice of moral integrity. Will witnesses be called to seek the truth, or will the Senate dance around legal games and ambiguities? Will Senators give up their personal integrity to cowtow to Mitch McConnell? Will Senators put Party above all else to save a President who has indicted himself in his own words and has disgraced the Presidency.

Republicans talk about this being a partisan process; but it takes the commitment of two sides to create partisanship. Republicans claim the people elected Trump, when the people chose Hillary and the Electoral College chose Trump. Republicans use all kinds of procedural maneuvers to deflect from the core truth.

Trump will undoubtedly be acquitted, but I hope he will continue to tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. And I am certain history will give him his due.

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