Saturday, January 25, 2020

Here's why

Every adolescent and young adult will make a bad decision, some small, some big. It’s inevitable. Here’s why.

1.   Their brains are not fully developed until they are 25, especially in the area of rational decision-making.

2.   They are learning to become independent, responsible adults, something they have not done before.

3.   Their hormones are going crazy.

4.   Entertainment media and marketing are sending them all the wrong messages.

5.   They get much more face time with peers and social media than with significant adults.

6.    Significant adults often act like assholes.

7.    Caring mentors are scarce.

8.    This is a time in their lives where they think they are grown up, but really need a great deal of time and attention.

9.    They need examples of authentic love, not an easy thing to find.

10.   They need adults who understand their needs and are th

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