Saturday, February 22, 2020


Billboards, bus signs, bench signs, radio and TV advertising, print media, gas station TV, Internet, influencers. How much time do we spend listening to these marketing voices compared to the voices of friends and family?

These marketing voices are carefully scripted and theatrically spoken, backed up by music and staging.  We need to keep reminding ourselves what they want from us.

This is what they know:
We can be distracted by spectacle.
We can be seduced into believing the image projected by the outside is more important than the image projected by the inside.
Envy can be a subtle tool.
Beautiful people make the best salespersons.
We trust celebrities because they are celebrities.
We can be convinced that our wants are our needs.
Debt is not a bad thing.
Our status is defined by our stuff.
We can show our individuality by wanting what everybody else has.
Desire is a very useful tool.

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