Saturday, December 7, 2019

TV chats

I don’t know about you, but I like to talk to the TV, especially TV commercials. Just this morning one commercial asked me if I wanted to make a statement with my neck and shoulders. This is something that I had never considered myself. I try to have every part of my body be as beautiful as possible, even having a conversation with John McEnroe about toenail fungus.

I mark down the names of all of the medications that have transformed the lives of those happy, sunshine drenched people—though I might die many times over. I’ll make a list and talk to my doctor about all of them.

I like to talk to these TV people because they are so good looking--so much more good looking than me. Their youthful vibrancy and self-confidence creates so much trust for me.

I can also have TV chats with celebrities, who have honest, committed relationships with their soft drinks, shoes and beauty products. Just think…celebrities who care about my well-being!

In my TV conversations, I can ask questions and make comments, all while I’m seeing beautiful landscapes, expansive, well-appointed kitchens and entertaining back stories.

I learn a lot too. I can order new underwear without getting off my couch. I can look younger in days.  I can save, save, save just by spending money.  I can bring dermaplaning into my home, freeze my fat away and well, have it all.

Have it all.

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