Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impeachment rhetoric

Impeachment rhetoric:

First: It’s not a matter of “not liking” Trump. It’s a matter of recognizing that Trump is inept, a bully, rude, surrounds himself with corruption and builds a cabinet that works against progress in America.

Second: It takes two parties to create partisanship.

Third: Mitch McConnell has already confirmed that the Senate will proceed with a very partisan procedure, the kind that Republicans accused House Democrats of.

Fourth: It’s hard to imagine that among all of the House members, educated as they are, attentive as they have been, that their decisions on impeachment would fall exactly on partisan lines.

Fifth: With such partisanship, there is no chance for a balanced voice on the issues of impeachment. So each side won’t see the contradictions in their own rhetoric.

Sixth: The majority of American voters did not elect Donald Trump. The Electoral College did.

 Seventh: The American people don’t get to be bored or frustrated with the impeachment process. The must pay attention. It’s their job as citizens.

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