Wednesday, May 8, 2019

What a piece of work is man

Wm. Shakespeare wrote: What a piece of work is man.

Indeed, man…

Loves God, but eats at the devil’s table.
Relishes beautiful sunsets, but greedily destroys the environment.
Loves beauty, but fills the world with useless stuff and all its packaging.
Loves stuffed animals, but lets the real ones go extinct.
Fears Armageddon, but hastens it on day after day.
Loves the children, but creates a frightening world for them.
Knows everything about empty celebrities, but mistrusts scientists.
Wants to be happy, but embraces hate and fear.
Is compassionate, but only to one degree of separation.
Is in love with love, but is quick to hate.
Wants to be spiritual, but gobbles up the material world.

For all our glory, what dumb asses we are.

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