Saturday, May 25, 2019


What I learned from Answers in Genesis and the Ark Encounter:

The dinosaurs wanted to eat the Sanhedrin to save Jesus, but God said No.

There actually was a gift shop on Noah’s ark.

The penguins missed the boat because they had to walk all the way.

Noah stood on the bow to watch for the receding waters, so Mrs. Noah had to clean up all the excrement.

By the end of the 3rd week, the Noah family was starving and had to eat some species, which was the first example of extinction.

Humans rode dinosaurs for fun and had small ones for pets, which they dressed in cute outfits.

Despite the typical character traits of Middle Easterners, Jesus had blue eyes, blond hair and light skin because he took after God.

The Noah family threw all its garbage overboard, which is why it’s okay to pollute the oceans today.

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