Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Corporate slogans are meant to capture our attention and stick like Cupid’s arrow. In just a handful of words (remember our attention spans) they are designed to exude wisdom, responsibility, authority, creativity, fun and any other qualities the company wants to present.

My guess is that the writers of these slogans began as namers of paint colors and worked hard to move up. I also suspect that millions upon millions of dollars—maybe billions—have been spent on inventing these slogans.

Because the products being marketed are what we want or what we think we want, these slogans represent the America these companies are trying to reach.

Here are some of my favorites, with the company name deleted:
Makes you feel special, every day
Open happiness
The happiest place on earth
The perfect experience
Expect great things
Because I’m worth it
For your precious moments
The power of you
The universe of you

In a country which is fearful, anxious, confused and depressed, don’t these slogans make your day?

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