Thursday, September 13, 2018


If Jesus stepped out of the boat, onto the water and promptly sank, it wouldn’t bother me.
If the lepers came to Jesus to be healed and he merely comforted them in his affirming way, I wouldn’t care.
If Jesus decided it was too much to ask to turn all that water to wine, I’m OK with that.
Why? Because Jesus was a great teacher. He understood humanity and what humanity needed to do to be fully itself. The miracles and the divinity are not necessary for me. In fact, sometimes we pay more attention to that than to doing the hard work that Jesus expected of us.
The miracle stories are metaphors. The divinity stories remind us that we are capable of touching the scared on this earth. After all, belief in Jesus is not about what he can do for us, but what we should do to transform the world we live in.

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