Saturday, May 5, 2018

Working life

For most of my working life, I never knew or cared about how much my regular paycheck was. It always seemed to be enough to provide my family a comfortable life and me a productive and creative work life. 
But what happens when salary becomes a defining element of worth and a means of measuring yourself against others? You become a commodity whose earning potential guarantees accumulation of more commodities. Is a professional athlete hundreds of times more valuable than a teacher? Is the golden parachute of a failed CEO as fair a reward as a pocket change severance package fr a working Joe or Jane?
Our system affirms the unequal distribution of wealth as it resists any reasonable minimum wage and twarts the moral and legal effort to close the gender pay gap. I’ve always lived by the philosophy, as my dad did, that you find work that challenges and satisfies, you sign the contract and then you do the job as well and creatively as you can. Let yourself be defined by that and not the dollar.

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