Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thinking black

Born in the South and now 72 years old, I am fully aware of the box I've been attempting to escape from for most of my life. The complexity and persistence of the issue of race does make this a life's work in many ways.

How many times will a white man be called "sir" by a black man compared to how many times a black man will be called "sir" by a white man?

I've heard it said that blacks just don't know how to fit into a white world. How many whites know how to find into or even have an empathetic understanding of a black world? What are such worlds anyway?

Europe and America spend incredible amounts of energy and money to secure themselves against black immigrants, limiting access and fearing terrorism. But this is just one consequence of the brutality and arrogance of Colonialism.

We need good and truthful history, honest dialogue and healthy self awareness applied with earnestness to tackle racial issues. At root, too, we need decent human being engaging decent human being.

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