Monday, November 7, 2022

What I don't understand

 This is what I don’t understand.

Conservatives look at the liberal agenda as if it were some kind of threat. In fact, individuals who identify on the LGBTQ+ spectrum come from families at all socioeconomic levels. To have a society free from prejudice against them is a benefit to all.
Being an LGBTQ+ person is a consequence of the diverse expression of evolution. How this is treated is a social choice?
Same sex marriage is a commitment of love between two people. How could a society not want more love?
People will rail against socialism, but have no problem with Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, disability and unemployment.
White privilege fears the encroachment of minority economic improvement. But minority improvement can only lift everyone’s boat and make a stronger nation.
No member of the Senate or the House can satisfy every constituent, but that’s how their campaigns are framed. One thing that members of Congress always forget is that part of their job is to educate their constituents. As leaders, they lead and take their constituents with them.
How can there be so little concern about the competence, character and integrity of candidates? Aren’t those the most essential qualities of a legislator?

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