Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Notes on Nature

 Notes on Nature #7

Rivers try their best to be persistent and reliable. They are muscles of erosion and friends of thirsty land.
They are branches and veins and snakes. My blood is a river. Yours, too. We care about conversations between the sky and the river, between the river and the land. We miss rivers when they disappear and glory in their anatomy.

Notes on Nature #8

Humans can be dumb as a rock, but rocks tell stories. Rocks are books, diaries, calendars and just plain nice to look at. When you tell them to stay, they stay. When you ask them to go with you, even to be chipped and hammered, they go quietly. Rocks are dutifully homes, paper weights, garden inhabitants, murder weapons and seem to be plentiful in the universe. And, like humans, some are prettier than others.

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