Tuesday, November 8, 2022


 I ask myself what is necessary for a vibrant and healthy democracy.

1. A voting system which is reliable, secure and makes it manageable for all eligible voters to vote.
2. An educational system that teaches the principles and foundations of American democracy and prepares voters to be informed and thoughtful.
3. A citizenry that takes voting as a responsibility and votes regularly and reliably.
4. Lawmakers who are both principled and pragmatic with the goal of making government work for the people.
5. A government in which the influence of money does not derail the real purpose of government.
6. A justice system which is fair to all and for which justice is not ideology or politics.
7. A system which respects peaceful protest as protected public voice and as a legitimate means of addressing wrongs.
8. A citizenry who is willing to make any efforts or sacrifices necessary to preserve the democracy that gives them freedom and opportunity.
When I look at my list, I see why we are in this tenuous state.

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