Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Male penis week

An essay in honor of Male Penis Week

The male penis is a clever and functional invention of biological evolution. Once it was proven successful as an evolutionary tool, it navigated from one species to another across the range of life forms. Evolution gave it one task—reproduction.

When it arrived among humans with their complex brains, it took on other roles, which were social, cultural, political and personal. It became the object of sculpture, drawing, painting and more in the arts. Tales were told of it, and it developed its own folklore. Industries grew up around it—ointments, lubricants, hormone enhancements, sheaths, pumps, toys, therapy and stem cell treatments.

Over time, the male penis became weaponized across culture. Disease, domination, political intrigue, social power and more were consequences of its extensive use. Taboos and laws were created to reign in its power and danger, usually with only modest success.

In the contemporary West, the male penis has a great deal of freedom to act—often irresponsibly, even pornographically. Still, there are also forces at work to control it or to encourage its responsible use. And that is the only real solution to this combination of personal desire, complex brain and evolutionary drive. The educated exercise of personal responsibility.

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