Saturday, January 28, 2023


 Holocaust Remembrance Day calls us to remember the horrific and inhuman treatment of the Jews during

World War II. Without doubt, we should do this. But we could probably fill all the days of the year with international remembrance days to acknowledge every genocide, enslavement, extermination of indigenous peoples, crusade, religious persecution, internment and war that have taken life and humanity from so many people.

The question for me is not, “What has been done to us?” But, “Why do humans keep doing this to one another?”
It’s hard for me to believe that DNA determines, at birth, this kind of inhumanity. It has to be our culture. It has to be that humanity is not really a priority us. It has to be underestimating the power of evil. It has to be our complacency. It has to be our lack of courage. It has to be our lack of empathy.

Will we forever fight this battle for humanity?

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