Friday, December 30, 2022


 I’ve tried to conceive of the world in terms of good and evil, but I don’t often like where that takes me. Suppose I think of the world as made up of those who have the courage to choose good and those who lack that courage or are seduced by material world. Then I ask myself if these differing choices are part of the diverse expression of DNA. No, nurture is the key.

If we humans could find a means of ensuring that every child was loved and affirmed for who they are, would that make a better world? Is that a reasonable goal for K-12 education? Or maybe the answer is in the years before school.
Why should love and decency be such difficult qualities for a society to nurture?
Take an honest look at the world. Other than natural disasters, our charitable energies go to solving problems that we ourselves created. Is this what anyone would imagine humanity to be?
My thinking just keeps leading me to this wall I can’t get over. A few exceptional human beings seem to be able to scale this wall. I can’t. 

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