Monday, December 12, 2022


 OK. Maybe I’m not done with BG. Make no mistake, I’m glad she’s home. My real issue is with media and context.

I spent 50 years fighting chronic depression. Early on, there were no treatments. I spent these years hiding from the world. Many days, it was a struggle to leave the house and do what was expected of me. It took a great deal of life energy just to hold myself together, appear normal and not feel like I would implode. But I did what I needed to do and built a productive life. I was in a different kind of prison. I didn’t complain. I did the work. And there are many like me.

Another example. Many military come home from war, carrying their own prisons with them. Prisons of PTSD, depression and alienation. How often is this reported in the news. How accessible is help for them?

One more example. There are countless Bangledeshi women working long hours in sweat shops for next to no money. They make clothing and athletic shoes cheaper for American consumers. They are doing the very work BG did, but they will likely never leave their prisons.

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