Thursday, December 8, 2022

Briti again

 I might as well get it all out. With Britni, I am consistent with my issues with celebrity. Not necessarily in specific cases but in the way our social values get distorted by the way media and wealth skew them so heavily away from equity and justice and toward notoriety.

Britni is supported because she must go to Russia to supplement her $250,000 salary since she can’t make the $40 at home that Steph Curry makes. All of those numbers are so out of whack based on the salaries of dedicated public servants who give every day and risk their lives.
Tell me why a teacher in an elite private school should make bigger bucks than a teacher just as qualified and dedicated, but teaching in the inner city.
Tell me how I should value my own artwork when many young artists are raking in millions at art fairs.
Believe me, I understand inequity and don’t think I can ever stamp it out. But I can read the celebrity tea leaves and see the consequences for society.
So next time you see a news story about a celebrity volunteering a little of their time and money, think of all the public servants who do this every day for barely a living wage. Then ask yourself who is the real heroes are and what you need to do about it.

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