Wednesday, December 7, 2022


 We’ve been duped into believing liars and cheats are telling us the truth.

We’ve been duped into thinking leisure is the most important thing in our lives.
We’ve duped into thinking we are never responsible for anything that goes bad.
We’ve been duped into thinking that if we want it, we must need it.
We’ve been duped into believing that justice is for everyone.
We’ve been duped into believing that romance is love.
We’ve been duped into believing that intellect is dangerous.
We’ve been duped into believing college is only an engine for jobs and wealth.
We’ve been duped into believing that exterior beauty is the most important thing.
We’ve been duped into thinking that smoking, drinking, dangerous behavior physical agility are the measures of a man.
We’ve been duped into believing that we are measured by our stuff.
We’ve been duped into believing that we need to keep up with the fashions.
We’ve been duped into believing that fear is our guide.
We’ve been duped into believing that there are no human beings under black and brown skin.
We’ve been duped into believing that we can speak for God.
We’ve been duped into believing that corporations have our best interests in mind.
We’ve been duped into believing that if we recycle our trash, pay our taxes and go about our business, all will be well with the world.
We’ve been duped into believing that our personal comfort is the most important thing.
We’ve been duped into believing in false gods.
Anything else?

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