Friday, November 1, 2019

Mental illness

One of the worst aspects of mental illness is that you continually struggle to feel that you are a whole person. Your mind steals you from the experience of being fully a part of the world. Its selfish motives take you away from any sense of normalcy. You feel constantly that you may splinter at any moment. You struggle to escape your own mind’s harsh judgments of you. Your world is often dark, and your thoughts race faster than the speed of thought.  The voices inside your head can seem more real than the messages of the ones you love. You depend on an invented persona to carry you through your interactions with the world. But then you don’t know who the real you is or even if there is such a thing.

If you are lucky enough to find some healing, wholeness is still elusive. The previous manifestations of yourself still linger, and you are never sure who that whole person of your imagination is.

Mental illness steals away the gift of wholeness that so many hardly give a thought to.

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