Wednesday, November 20, 2019


We are cynical about our government these days. We see poor leadership at the top, corruption in the cabinet and the Congress. Big money buying legislators and elections. Taxes that are too high. Partisanship blocking legislative progress. We all know the story.

But below the higher echelons of government, I believe there are many, many dedicated public servants, not always paid competitively, but believing in their work and wanting to do it well. We are seeing this in the testimony of dedicated public servants, both civilian and military, during the house impeachment hearings. But it is right in front of us in our mail carriers, TSA agents, military and mid-level bureaucrats.

From this perspective, it is easier to see ours as a government of the people, a government of us. In the end, our economy, security, military might and services are really a consequence of the work of this government of us.

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