Saturday, June 22, 2019

Trump out

Once Donald Trump is out of office, there will be lots of books by his White House staff and crony associates. These authors will tell how they never admired him, but stayed on to help curb his craziness and save the country. These books will be read by many and make lots of money for the writers, but they will be nothing but lame attempts at self-redemption.

The important work will be the rebuilding of America after the Trumpian earthquake. It won’t be easy. We will have to reinvigorate a broken, partisan Congress, replace cynicism with hope, believe in the value of the vote, quit being driven by fear and anxiety, believe in the American brotherhood and affirm partnership with our trusted allies.

First the task of getting Trump out of office. The time for jokes and jabs is past. They just bounce off his narcissistic bubble. The time is for unrelenting, clear, direct and educated statements countering every lie, failed policy, unfulfilled promise, gaff and unpresidential comment. Do this person-to-person, letters to the editor and to Congress, on news broadcasts and on tweets.

Believe that erasing ignorance is erasing Trump.

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