Saturday, June 8, 2019

Necessity of God

Many have concerned themselves with the existence of God. But for me, the real issue is the necessity of God. Any God worth his salt must be omnipotent beyond human understanding. So if anyone tells me they know God or their image of God is the only true one, I think that borders on heresy.

The most we can hope for is to come to know at some comforting and helpful piece of God to hang onto and to guide us. Variety in human nature and experience leads naturally to variety of these pieces of God. This is why pieces of God should not fight one another, but should seek communion, reaching for a fuller picture of God.

Every culture has found the need for a vision of God. God is the focus of the instinctive human drive for the spiritual. God is the meaning of life after death. God is hope. God is the guide to a right life. God is the assurance that there is a fullness to the experience of being human.

How could an omnipresent God watch the expansion of human consciousness and the expansion of the understanding of his creation and expect his image to be frozen in time? As humans grow, they must grow into God as well.

This is why the necessity of God is more relevant to me than the existence of God.

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