Sunday, June 30, 2019

Every new generation

Every new generation confronts the same timeless human issues: violence, hatred, prejudice, war, inequality, poverty and economic unfairness. Ask Jesus. And every new generation looks for order, security, happiness, freedom and comfort.

As a new generation faces the world and begins to remake for themselves, their ardor and their inexperience clash. The plant may flower differently, but its roots are the same. The world is dead without the rage of the young, but that rage dissipates without direction and discipline.

This is why the older generation and the younger generation are natural allies in the right situations. The older generation must have struggled to gain generosity, discipline, persistence and compassion. They must have compassion and have learned to give back. They must listen attentively to the younger generation with an open mind. This is the wisdom they have to give.

The younger generation must recognize their inexperience and openly consider wisdom offered. They must acknowledge their unique energy and want it to not be wasted. They must temper their urgency and impatience with an understanding of how the world can really be changed.

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