Sunday, June 30, 2019

Every new generation

Every new generation confronts the same timeless human issues: violence, hatred, prejudice, war, inequality, poverty and economic unfairness. Ask Jesus. And every new generation looks for order, security, happiness, freedom and comfort.

As a new generation faces the world and begins to remake for themselves, their ardor and their inexperience clash. The plant may flower differently, but its roots are the same. The world is dead without the rage of the young, but that rage dissipates without direction and discipline.

This is why the older generation and the younger generation are natural allies in the right situations. The older generation must have struggled to gain generosity, discipline, persistence and compassion. They must have compassion and have learned to give back. They must listen attentively to the younger generation with an open mind. This is the wisdom they have to give.

The younger generation must recognize their inexperience and openly consider wisdom offered. They must acknowledge their unique energy and want it to not be wasted. They must temper their urgency and impatience with an understanding of how the world can really be changed.

The issues

I am a lifelong Democrat and a liberal. But listening to the Democratic candidates talk about education, health care and freedom from economic hardship, there is one important thing I did not hear—individual responsibility.

America is a better, healthier and economically stronger country when its citizens are healthier, better educated and financially sound. America is also a stronger country when all of its citizens have acknowledged their blessings by service and responsibility.

Healthcare for all should expect that all are responsible for a healthy lifestyle and healthy life habits. Public support for access to good schools and colleges should require the desire and readiness for those experiences to be successful. Help out of poverty should come with the work to stay out of poverty. A year of service in military, government, religious or charitable work should be a requirement for all young people.

These are not easy things to accomplish. No caring parent would give a child everything they wanted and not expect them to show responsibility. Pie-in-the-sky proposals should come with food-on-the-table results. Besides, the lesson of personal responsibility is a gift in itself.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Your dictionary

Add these words to your dictionary:

Lovalista  (n) someone who loves the love in romance novels

Prancelette  (n) someone who walks confidently down the street in their pretty new designer shoes

Podfreak  (n) one who gets all their news and information from podcasts

Fucktastic  (adj) something way more fantastic than fantastic

Teenweenie  (n) a clueless teenager

Clickabation  (n) spending way too much time with a remote in your hand

Civilisaurus  (n) one of a subspecies of human beings who believes in civility and acts on that belief

Friday, June 28, 2019

Love is a panacea

I believe that love is a panacea for many social ills, ills that we only treat the symptoms of. But not the cheap love of the entertainment industry or dysfunctional celebrity gossip or romance novels.

When a child is given authentic love, they know it. They don’t hate and don’t fear. They are confident in this love and act with compassion in and on the world. They grow up knowing love.

But where can we learn about authentic love? Where can we learn to navigate its demands and rewards? How can we learn the nature and value of love early enough in life to practice it as we grow into adulthood?

Unfortunately, religious institutions, instead of embracing a wide vision of love, preach a love that excludes many. In a world like ours, we should value any and every example of committed love. We should celebrate love in any genuine manifestation.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Millions upon millions of dollars are spent on marketing. Maybe billions. Marketing is a crass, nuanced, manipulative business that produces stuff that purports to mean something through its carefully constructed duplicity, stuff like:

Love…it’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru

As if your love for shoes weren’t enough

The universe of you

Between love and madness lies Obsession

Because you’re worth it

The happiest place on earth
A recent one is: “Make Love Last Longer.” Is this an ad for some sexual product? Nope, just another ad for Subaru

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Social ills

Most people who contemplate or attempt suicide really don’t want to die. They simply can’t imagine another way to stop the unrelenting pain of mental illness, guilt, shame, the loss of self or any combination of these.

WE often show little understanding for the social ills around us that affect so many. For those hurting deeply, reaching out to others can feel like walking a minefield, a minefield that stands in the way of help and healing. The pain experienced by people in such circumstances wears down hopefulness and saps life energy.

What perceived social ills or mental illnesses can seem so distant that a society can’t find the compassion to offer help and acceptance.