Monday, January 14, 2019

Jack and Jack, Jr.

From the first time they first met, Jack knew that he and his penis would be good friends. Jack would eventually name him Jack, Jr. Jack had empathy for the fact that, before Jack Jr. could hardly take a breath, a piece of him had been sliced away.
Jack, Jr. quickly seemed to get used to it though.

Before long, Jack came to realize that Jack, Jr. had a mind of his own. After Jack reached puberty, Jack Jr. became particularly mischievous. In the ensuing years Jack and Jack, Jr. had many adventures, which, of course, cannot be discussed in mixed company.

In the ensuing years things were up and down for Jack and Jack, Jr., but Jack, Jr. gave Jack three lovely children over two marriages. Jack and Jack, Jr. died on the same day and were buried together in the small cemetery on the hill.

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