Friday, January 11, 2019

Arts in Cincinnati

Some questions I’m throwing out about the visual arts in Cincinnati:

For those of us who have worked hard to build a career, have made good work, but have not made it to the to the halls of fame and glory, what do we do with our accumulated work? How do we keep it alive?

How do we as artists squeeze out space in local media among crime news, weather, sports and chit-chat? How do we get broader affirmation that what we do is valuable to the community?

How can we push art out of the “art community” and into the larger community?

What do the arts institutions owe to local artists?

What do local artists owe the arts institutions?

What do individual artists owe one another?

Is Cincinnati really the conservative arts community it is often portrayed to be?

Are arts venues speaking in a unified way or as fragmented voices?

How can artists sometimes claim the front page and expect a vibrant arts section in the Enquirer?

How can artists claim the stage as experts, with corresponding stature and remuneration?

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