Wednesday, August 1, 2018


There are a few people who can see patterns across disciplines, understand problems and construct a big picture solution. There are a few people who approach individual disciplines or problems with sustained commitment and seek solutions with historical perspective and broad knowledge.

For most of us though, our worldview is only as extensive as our experience and our willingness to educate ourselves. So we have no real option but to depend on others as mentors and guides.  And this is why the truth is such an important commodity.

Sadly, though, we live in a culture where the truth is elusive, always spinning, self-serving, twisted and promised but not delivered. We want it from politicians, but we get flim-flam and muck about their opponents. We expect it from the media, but we often get their truth, not the truth. We are promised the truth from banks and corporations, but their actions speak otherwise.

We should be able to sift through the honest efforts at truth that come before us; but unfortunately we first have to deconstruct the trumped up versions of truth that we are fed on a daily basis. It takes a lot of sweat to find the truth. The reward for laziness is being easily duped.

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