Monday, January 1, 2018


You’re warming up, a bit anxious but knowing that this is your big chance. Finally all line up at the starting line, 100,000,000 to your right and 100,000,000 to your left. Still, something in your gut says this will be your day. You feel a gentle rocking back and forth, then a more frantic rhythm and then a thrust and BANG, the gun goes off.
You swim with frantic energy, moving your tail with astounding vigor. Then you spy ovular shape in the distance and give it all you’ve got in the last furious sprint. You. You’re first. You’ve hit the target and closed the deal. You take a millisecond to pat yourself on the back, then on to the task of starting a new life.
Here’s hoping that in 2018 all of you hit your targets and begin whatever will make your life new.

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