Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Self-revelation #3 Pants

Self-revelation #3 Pants
I am generally conservative in my pant wardrobe, though in my lifetime I have worn plaid pants, green pants and orange pants and no pants. I’ve also worn pants that were hand-tailored with wool from the Shetland Islands. I’ve worn bellbottoms, actually as part of the suit I got married in.
I enjoy TV dramas about early 19th men who wear their pants above their navels and held up by suspenders. But that’s not for me personally. And, of course, today there are the low hanging pants which are showcases for butt cracks and flamboyant underwear. That’s not me either. Just jeans and khakis worn lightly on the hips with a belt thank you.
And. Of course, my real accomplishment is that my waist size is only 1 inch larger now that it was when I was a senior in high school.

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