Monday, January 29, 2018

Welcome to your human family

Welcome to your human family Part 1
A little girl gives all her pennies to a cancer victim
An Afghan officer keeps a young male sex slave chained to his bed
A police officer gives his life to save a black woman
A man proposes on the Jumbotron at a ball game
A dad throws his laughing child up into the air
A dad throws his child against a wall
A family takes a Caribbean cruise together
A boy rummages through the Cairo dump
A scantily clad actress lectures her audience on sexual harassment
A family catches a fast food meal on the way to a soccer game
A billionaire is proud of all the money he continues to make
A Chinese peasant is stabbed to death
The second grade class of St. Mark’s goes to confession
Jeffrey Dahmer
Two men kiss in an alley
Two gay officers marry at West Point
A depressed Norwegian commits suicide
A ten-year-old girl commits suicide
Two students traveling alone meet and eventually marry
A couple married 35 years decide to divorce
A drag queen becomes more famous than s/he ever imagined
A refugee family goes unnoticed as they starve to death
A talented deaf girl graduates art school
A 17-year-old girl makes a solo crossing of the Atlantic
A couple gets into heavy debt
A couple has sex for the first time in a year
An elementary school student completes his Suzuki tape
A homeless man is buried in Potter’s Field
A man despises his neighbor
A woman make a documentary about date rape

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