Monday, January 8, 2018

Sexual enticement

I’m a great believer that men are often major assholes. And I think that women are often the ones who hold things together. But I’ve also begun to think a lot about the current issues of sexual harassment surfacing with #METOO.
Attention: the Golden Globes. Celebrity women dressed in black to support a change in the way things are done in Hollywood. It is their time. But black was still uber-expensive designer gowns, pin-up posing on the red carpet and showing cleavage, backs, knees, legs and thighs. Most of these women are fully dressed as male fantasies, objects of desire. 
This is where I am conflicted. Is this the image women desire for themselves, choose for themselves? Is it their self-selected measure of beauty? Are they dressing up for other women, for the camera, out of expectation, for men? 
I’m always a bit suspicious of stirring speeches about the downtrodden delivered by wealthy celebs swimming in glamour and excess but rarely in the street. I wonder what kind of message this really is for the average woman who often must live up to those kinds of beauty expectations and fight that kind of discrimination on a budget.
So maybe “sexual enticement” needs to be thrown into the #METOO mix.

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