Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Wild West America

Wild West America 2019

A 20-year-old can amass a stockpile of weapons and ammo.
Citizens can be terrorized in malls, entertainment venues, parks, schools, churches and work places.
A 5-year-old can get a gun and shoot a sibling and no adult is responsible.
Gangs on the street have more firepower than police on the street.
Teachers carry weapons at school.
There are enough guns in America for every person to have one.
When NRA money goes into legislative pockets, the will of the people goes out of the window.
Gun suicides are increasing at an alarming rate.
Neighborhoods experience random shootings on a regular basis.
Guns make arguments and domestic disputes fatal expriences.
The interpretation of the Second Amendment could hardly be more distorted.

And speaking of the Second Amendment…What happened to the militia clause? Is every gun owner in the militia? What is a militia in 21st century America? Who heads the militia? Under what circumstances are gun owners called into the militia? Is a gang part of the militia? Or a white supremacist army? I’d like to ask these questions to the Supreme Court.

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