Friday, August 30, 2019

Conversation with myself

Me having a conversation with myself on climate change

You believe the science of climate change and that making some urgent changes is necessary.
Of course, I do.
Then why aren’t you riding public transit and scaling down to one car?
I can’t because I need a car to do what I need to do.
Maybe a bike. Others do it. It’d be healthier.
I did that a lot when I was younger.
I’m sure there’s something you can do if you feel strongly about this issue. Look at it this way. Americans are 5% of the world’s population consuming 20% of the world’s resources. What if everyone in the world (like those who live on $2 a day) lived the American lifestyle? There would be no world left.
Damn you, now I’m feeling guilty. I do a good job of saving water and recycling plastic and food waste. Can I at least pat myself on the shoulder for that?
Hell no. That’s the minimum that anyone could do. Ask yourself this. How many of your plastic straws, cups, plates and utensils are in the bellies of whales right now? You don’t even remember to bring reusable bags to Kroger when you shop. It’s your need for convenience.
All right, I admit that I’m too spoiled and lazy, dammit. I guess if saving the world is up to “concerned” people like me, who are mostly sitting on our asses, then the end is near.
I’m not going to let you off that easy. We’ll talk again.

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