Thursday, August 15, 2019

2 things

1. Have you noticed how many people of all ages, races and ethnicities are dancing ecstatically in commercials these days? They live in Happyville among airy houses, eternally sunshiny meadows and lots of spectacle. They show us how we too can have orgasms over sneakers, kitchen appliances, medications, household cleaners, cars and soft drinks. How can we resist? They’re so clever, so entertaining, so uplifting and bring so much promise to our drab and mundane lives.

Why didn’t I realize sooner that a new pair of shoes, a sparkling clean house and uber-convenient appliances could make me a new and happier individual?

2. What was the name of that bouncer who stopped the Dayton shooter? What was the name of that police officer who risked his life to save others? What were the names of the young Marines who thwarted a terrorist on a train? What was the name of the naval officer who posthumously won a medal of honor? They got only a blip on the news because all they did was put their lives on the line for others. But the names of Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Beyonce and all our favorite athletes are etched on our hearts because they entertain us.

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