Saturday, August 3, 2019

For Christ's sake

Real Christianity is hard work, and many Christians aren’t up to it. Especially when it comes to comparing their Christian values to their support of Trump and Pence.

Mike Pence claims to care for the sanctity of life as an anti-abortionist, but he is silent when children are locked up in cages and taken from their parents. He mocks Democrats for wanting to address poverty aggressively while he serves in an administration that is heavily white, wealthy, unqualified and corrupt.

Donald Trump criticizes black inner-city mayors for corruption while his cronies are in jail or under indictment. He is a lying, unfaithful, narcissistic, name-calling racist. Yet, Mike Pence adores him and millions upon millions see him as their savior. But measure Trump against the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes or the teachings of Christ, and he comes out an odious human being.

I hope Trump voters open their eyes, for Christ’s sake.

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